
arista_eos_show_interfaces not valid json

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • Template Issue with error and raw data


ceos1#show  interface

Ethernet1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Ethernet, address is aac1.ab3b.1c7a (bia aac1.ab3b.1c7a)
  Description: "Test interface Et1"
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  IPv6 link-local address is fe80::a8c1:abff:fe3b:1c7a/64
  No IPv6 global unicast address is assigned
  IP MTU 1500 bytes (default), BW 1000000 kbit
  Full-duplex, 1Gb/s, auto negotiation: off, uni-link: n/a
  Up 21 minutes, 40 seconds
  Loopback Mode : None
  2 link status changes since last clear
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  5 minutes input rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
  5 minutes output rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
     5280 packets input, 381190 bytes
     Received 1 broadcasts, 273 multicast
     0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol, 0 input discards
     0 PAUSE input
     0 packets output, 0 bytes
     Sent 0 broadcasts, 0 multicast
     0 output errors, 0 collisions
     0 late collision, 0 deferred, 0 output discards
     0 PAUSE output
Ethernet2 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Ethernet, address is aac1.ab31.e593 (bia aac1.ab31.e593)
  Description: "Test interface Et1"
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  IPv6 link-local address is fe80::a8c1:abff:fe31:e593/64
  No IPv6 global unicast address is assigned
  IP MTU 1500 bytes (default), BW 1000000 kbit
  Full-duplex, 1Gb/s, auto negotiation: off, uni-link: n/a
  Up 21 minutes, 40 seconds
  Loopback Mode : None
  2 link status changes since last clear
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  5 minutes input rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
  5 minutes output rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
     5061 packets input, 362112 bytes
     Received 1 broadcasts, 61 multicast
     0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol, 0 input discards
     0 PAUSE input
     0 packets output, 0 bytes
     Sent 0 broadcasts, 0 multicast
     0 output errors, 0 collisions
     0 late collision, 0 deferred, 0 output discards
     0 PAUSE output
Ethernet3 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Ethernet, address is aac1.ab23.bb13 (bia aac1.ab23.bb13)
  Ethernet MTU 9214 bytes, BW 1000000 kbit
  Full-duplex, 1Gb/s, auto negotiation: off, uni-link: n/a
  Up 21 minutes, 40 seconds
  Loopback Mode : None
  2 link status changes since last clear
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  5 minutes input rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
  5 minutes output rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
     900 packets input, 106797 bytes
     Received 0 broadcasts, 900 multicast
     0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol, 0 input discards
     0 PAUSE input
     187 packets output, 16634 bytes
     Sent 0 broadcasts, 187 multicast
     0 output errors, 0 collisions
     0 late collision, 0 deferred, 0 output discards
     0 PAUSE output
Ethernet4 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Ethernet, address is aac1.abb1.4f2c (bia aac1.abb1.4f2c)
  Ethernet MTU 9214 bytes, BW 1000000 kbit
  Full-duplex, 1Gb/s, auto negotiation: off, uni-link: n/a
  Up 21 minutes, 40 seconds
  Loopback Mode : None
  2 link status changes since last clear
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  5 minutes input rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
  5 minutes output rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
     705 packets input, 90157 bytes
     Received 0 broadcasts, 705 multicast
     0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol, 0 input discards
     0 PAUSE input
     0 packets output, 0 bytes
     Sent 0 broadcasts, 0 multicast
     0 output errors, 0 collisions
     0 late collision, 0 deferred, 0 output discards
     0 PAUSE output
Loopback0 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Loopback
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  IP MTU 65535 bytes (default)
  Up 21 minutes, 51 seconds
Management0 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Ethernet, address is 001c.7338.71c6 (bia 001c.7338.71c6)
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  IP MTU 1500 bytes (default), BW 1000000 kbit
  Full-duplex, 1Gb/s, auto negotiation: on, uni-link: n/a
  Up 21 minutes, 53 seconds
  Loopback Mode : None
  3 link status changes since last clear
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  5 minutes input rate 426 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
  5 minutes output rate 424 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
     884 packets input, 108713 bytes
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 multicast
     0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol, 47 input discards
     0 PAUSE input
     878 packets output, 127164 bytes
     Sent 0 broadcasts, 0 multicast
     0 output errors, 0 collisions
     0 late collision, 0 deferred, 0 output discards
     0 PAUSE output
Vlan100 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Vlan, address is 001c.7338.71c7 (bia 001c.7338.71c7)
  Description: VLAN100
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  IPv6 link-local address is fe80::21c:73ff:fe38:71c7/64
  No IPv6 global unicast address is assigned
  IP MTU 1500 bytes (default)
  Up 21 minutes, 56 seconds
Vlan500 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Vlan, address is 001c.7338.71c7 (bia 001c.7338.71c7)
  Description: VLAN500
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  IPv6 link-local address is fe80::21c:73ff:fe38:71c7/64
  IPv6 global unicast address(es):
    2001:192:168:5::1, subnet is 2001:192:168:5::/64
  IP MTU 1500 bytes (default)
  Up 21 minutes, 56 seconds
  • interface_up_time is provide a few strings that should either be a list of strings or a single string.
  • description is adding too many quotes

I am running this test on ceos 4.29.3M


see sample command output

    "show interface": [
        "address": "aac1.ab3b.1c7a",
        "bandwidth": "1000000 kbit",
        "bia": "aac1.ab3b.1c7a",
        "description": "Test interface Et1",
        "hardware_type": "Ethernet",
        "interface": "Ethernet1",
        "interface_up_time": "9 minutes, 18 seconds",
        "ip_address": "",
        "link_status": "up",
        "link_status_change": "2",
        "mtu": "1500",
        "protocol_status": "up (connected)"
        "address": "aac1.ab31.e593",
        "bandwidth": "1000000 kbit",
        "bia": "aac1.ab31.e593",
        "description": "Test interface Et1",
        "hardware_type": "Ethernet",
        "interface": "Ethernet2",
        "interface_up_time": "9 minutes, 18 seconds",
        "ip_address": "",
        "link_status": "up",
        "link_status_change": "2",
        "mtu": "1500",
        "protocol_status": "up (connected)"
        "address": "aac1.ab23.bb13",
        "bandwidth": "1000000 kbit",
        "bia": "aac1.ab23.bb13",
        "description": "",
        "hardware_type": "Ethernet",
        "interface": "Ethernet3",
        "interface_up_time": "9 minutes, 18 seconds",
        "ip_address": "",
        "link_status": "up",
        "link_status_change": "2",
        "mtu": "9214",
        "protocol_status": "up (connected)"
        "address": "aac1.abb1.4f2c",
        "bandwidth": "1000000 kbit",
        "bia": "aac1.abb1.4f2c",
        "description": "",
        "hardware_type": "Ethernet",
        "interface": "Ethernet4",
        "interface_up_time": "9 minutes, 18 seconds",
        "ip_address": "",
        "link_status": "up",
        "link_status_change": "2",
        "mtu": "9214",
        "protocol_status": "up (connected)"
        "address": "",
        "bandwidth": "",
        "bia": "",
        "description": "",
        "hardware_type": "Loopback",
        "interface": "Loopback0",
        "interface_up_time": "9 minutes, 29 seconds",
        "ip_address": "",
        "link_status": "up",
        "link_status_change": "",
        "mtu": "65535",
        "protocol_status": "up (connected)"
        "address": "001c.7338.71c6",
        "bandwidth": "1000000 kbit",
        "bia": "001c.7338.71c6",
        "description": "",
        "hardware_type": "Ethernet",
        "interface": "Management0",
        "interface_up_time": "9 minutes, 31 seconds",
        "ip_address": "",
        "link_status": "up",
        "link_status_change": "3",
        "mtu": "1500",
        "protocol_status": "up (connected)"
        "address": "001c.7338.71c7",
        "bandwidth": "",
        "bia": "001c.7338.71c7",
        "description": "VLAN100",
        "hardware_type": "Vlan",
        "interface": "Vlan100",
        "interface_up_time": "9 minutes, 34 seconds",
        "ip_address": "",
        "link_status": "up",
        "link_status_change": "",
        "mtu": "1500",
        "protocol_status": "up (connected)"
{'show interface': [{'address': 'aac1.ab3b.1c7a',
                                      'bandwidth': '1000000 kbit',
                                      'bia': 'aac1.ab3b.1c7a',
                                      'description': '"Test interface Et1"',
                                      'hardware_type': 'Ethernet',
                                      'interface': 'Ethernet1',
                                      'interface_up_time': '9 minutes, 18 '
                                      'ip_address': '',
                                      'link_status': 'up',
                                      'link_status_change': '2',
                                      'mtu': '1500',
                                      'protocol_status': 'up (connected)'},
                                     {'address': 'aac1.ab31.e593',
                                      'bandwidth': '1000000 kbit',
                                      'bia': 'aac1.ab31.e593',
                                      'description': '"Test interface Et1"',
                                      'hardware_type': 'Ethernet',
                                      'interface': 'Ethernet2',
                                      'interface_up_time': '9 minutes, 18 '
                                      'ip_address': '',
                                      'link_status': 'up',
                                      'link_status_change': '2',
                                      'mtu': '1500',
                                      'protocol_status': 'up (connected)'},
                                     {'address': 'aac1.ab23.bb13',
                                      'bandwidth': '1000000 kbit',
                                      'bia': 'aac1.ab23.bb13',
                                      'description': '',
                                      'hardware_type': 'Ethernet',
                                      'interface': 'Ethernet3',
                                      'interface_up_time': '9 minutes, 18 '
                                      'ip_address': '',
                                      'link_status': 'up',
                                      'link_status_change': '2',
                                      'mtu': '9214',
                                      'protocol_status': 'up (connected)'},
                                     {'address': 'aac1.abb1.4f2c',
                                      'bandwidth': '1000000 kbit',
                                      'bia': 'aac1.abb1.4f2c',
                                      'description': '',
                                      'hardware_type': 'Ethernet',
                                      'interface': 'Ethernet4',
                                      'interface_up_time': '9 minutes, 18 '
                                      'ip_address': '',
                                      'link_status': 'up',
                                      'link_status_change': '2',
                                      'mtu': '9214',
                                      'protocol_status': 'up (connected)'},
                                     {'address': '',
                                      'bandwidth': '',
                                      'bia': '',
                                      'description': '',
                                      'hardware_type': 'Loopback',
                                      'interface': 'Loopback0',
                                      'interface_up_time': '9 minutes, 29 '
                                      'ip_address': '',
                                      'link_status': 'up',
                                      'link_status_change': '',
                                      'mtu': '65535',
                                      'protocol_status': 'up (connected)'},
                                     {'address': '001c.7338.71c6',
                                      'bandwidth': '1000000 kbit',
                                      'bia': '001c.7338.71c6',
                                      'description': '',
                                      'hardware_type': 'Ethernet',
                                      'interface': 'Management0',
                                      'interface_up_time': '9 minutes, 31 '
                                      'ip_address': '',
                                      'link_status': 'up',
                                      'link_status_change': '3',
                                      'mtu': '1500',
                                      'protocol_status': 'up (connected)'},
                                     {'address': '001c.7338.71c7',
                                      'bandwidth': '',
                                      'bia': '001c.7338.71c7',
                                      'description': 'VLAN100',
                                      'hardware_type': 'Vlan',
                                      'interface': 'Vlan100',
                                      'interface_up_time': '9 minutes, 34 '
                                      'ip_address': '',
                                      'link_status': 'up',
                                      'link_status_change': '',
                                      'mtu': '1500',
                                      'protocol_status': 'up (connected)'}]}

The Description I think we have covered on a PR that was just recently merged. Will put out a release on that. I'm not seeing anything obvious of why the template is splitting seconds onto its own line.

@ryanmerolle this should be all set from a PR merged that addressed this. The GH auto-tag didn't function on that PR close. (#1377). A new release is coming out as soon as I can get the approvals.