
Magento 2 Dependency Injection Backport for Magento 1

Primary LanguagePHP

Magento Module N98_Di

Magento 2 Dependency Injection Backport for Magento 1

The modules contains parts of the Magento 2 "lib/Magento/Framework" folder. All namespaced class names are ported to old style PEAR names which enables Varien_Autoload to load the classes.

Getting started

Install N98_Di module in your Magento store. Place a new di.xml in your module config (etc) folder.

Now you are able to use the ported object manager.

Example config:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <!-- Replace class with another -->
    <preference for="N98_Di_Model_Sample_Foo" type="N98_Di_Model_Sample_Bar" />

    <!-- Good old rewrite -->
    <preference for="Mage_Core_Helper_Data" type="Mage_Core_Helper_String" />

    <!-- Implement interface -->
    <preference for="N98_Di_Model_Sample_BarInterface" type="N98_Di_Model_Sample_Bar" />

    <virtualType name="myVirtualType" type="N98_Di_Model_Sample_Foo" />
    <virtualType name="myProduct" type="Mage_Catalog_Model_Product" />

    <type name="N98_Di_Model_Sample_Bar">
            <argument name="value" xsi:type="string">Hallo Welt</argument>

    <type name="N98_Di_Model_Sample_Zoz">
            <argument name="a" xsi:type="object">myVirtualType</argument>
            <argument name="product" xsi:type="object">myProduct</argument>

A refenrence of the di.xml file can be found here:


Usage in a Controller

The module is delivered with an observer which is called in preDispatch event of each controller. The observer injects the ObjectManager if the controller implements the interface N98_Di_ContainerAwareInterface.



class Acme_Foo_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action implements N98_Di_ContainerAwareInterface
     * @var Magento_Framework_ObjectManager
    protected $_container;

    public function indexAction()

     * @param Magento_Framework_ObjectManager $objectManager
     * @return mixed
    public function setContainer(Magento_Framework_ObjectManager $objectManager)
        $this->_container = $objectManager;

Usage over helper


$objectManager = Mage::helper('n98_di')->getObjectManager();
$bar = $objectManager->create('Acme_Foo_Model_Bar');

Known problems

The module is very experimental. Currently not all parts of the dependency injection framework are ported. This includes features like the definition compiler or the interceptors (plugins).