CLI haml-coffee not working when using --input with a folder on Windows
Closed this issue · 1 comments
akhanubis commented
Folder structure:
C:\testing>dir /s
Directory of C:\testing
06/16/2013 06:58 PM 0 chau.hamlc
06/16/2013 06:58 PM 0 hola.hamlc
06/16/2013 07:10 PM <DIR> subfolder
Directory of C:\testing\subfolder
06/16/2013 07:09 PM 0 im_in_subfolder.hamlc
Failing example:
C:\testing>haml-coffee --input .
[Haml Coffee] Compiling directory .
[Haml Coffee] Compiling file . to chau.jst
As the above example shows, It only compiles one file when having more than one.
It's a known issue of node-findit that it can't traverse folders on Windows ( Fortunately, there is an API compatible alternative to findit called walkdir (
Installing walkdir and changing line 4 in to findit = require 'walkdir'
seems to fix this:
C:\testing>haml-coffee --input .
[Haml Coffee] Compiling directory .
[Haml Coffee] Compiling file . to C:\testing\chau.jst
[Haml Coffee] Compiling file . to C:\testing\hola.jst
[Haml Coffee] Compiling file . to C:\testing\subfolder\im_in_subfolder.jst
Thanks in advance
netzpirat commented
Thanks a lot! I wish all issues were like this.