Building Menu Items Programatically
Opened this issue · 3 comments
I am in the process of attempting to code a menu for a system dealing with reading and setting hundreds of parameters within an externally UART connected device.
What I would like to be able to do is construct the menu objects using an external definition file that includes the parameter names, descriptions, initial values, value ranges. Ideally the external file would also include nesting of menus to determine the menu depth and structure.
Is this something that is possible? below is my current code (with only three of the Parameters working).
// XFM2 UI v0.1
// Based on Teensy 4.0 with an Adafruit SSD1306 and a Clickable rotary encoder
// Github:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <menu.h>
#include <menuIO/u8g2Out.h>
#include <menuIO/encoderIn.h>
#include <menuIO/keyIn.h>
#include <menuIO/chainStream.h>
#include <menuIO/serialOut.h>
#include <menuIO/serialIn.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "XFM2_params.h"
using namespace Menu;
// rotary encoder pins
#define encA 3
#define encB 4
#define encBtn 5
//#define fontName u8g2_font_7x13_mf
#define fontName u8g2_font_6x10_mf
#define fontX 5
#define fontY 12
#define offsetX 1
#define offsetY 2
#define U8_Width 128
#define U8_Height 64
#define USE_HWI2C
U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, U8X8_PIN_NONE);
// define startup XFM2 Paramters
int AM_Depth = 0;
int AM_Speed = 0;
int AM_Range = 0;
// define menu colors
const colorDef<uint8_t> colors[6] MEMMODE={
MENU(AMsubMenu,"Amplitude Modulation",doNothing,noEvent,noStyle
,FIELD(AM_Depth,"AM Depth","",1,255,1,1,doNothing,noEvent,noStyle)
,FIELD(AM_Speed,"AM Speed","",1,255,1,1,doNothing,noEvent,noStyle)
,FIELD(AM_Range,"AM Range","",0,255,1,1,doNothing,noEvent,noStyle)
MENU(GSsubMenu,"Global Settings",doNothing,noEvent,noStyle
,OP("Output Level",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Layer Mode",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Performance Controls",doNothing,noEvent)
MENU(PSsubMenu,"Program Settings",doNothing,noEvent,noStyle
,OP("Voice Select",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Program Load/Save/Select",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Bend Up/Down",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Velocity Offset",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Legato Mode",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Portamento Mode",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Portamento Time",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Pitch Control",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Operator Level",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Keyboard Tracking",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Amplitude EG",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Pitch EG",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Low Freq Oscillator",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Pitch LFO",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Amplitude LFO",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Envelope Bias",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Chorus - Flanger",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Effects Routing",doNothing,noEvent)
,OP("Global Reverb",doNothing,noEvent)
MENU(mainMenu,"XFM2 UI V0.1",doNothing,noEvent,noStyle
#define MAX_DEPTH 3
encoderIn<encA,encB> encoder;//simple quad encoder driver
encoderInStream<encA,encB> encStream(encoder,4);// simple quad encoder fake Stream
//a keyboard with only one key as the encoder button
keyMap encBtn_map[]={{-encBtn,defaultNavCodes[enterCmd].ch}}; //negative pin numbers use internal pull-up, this is on when low
keyIn<1> encButton(encBtn_map);//1 is the number of keys
menuIn* inputsList[]={&encButton};
// chainStream<2> in(inputsList);//1 is the number of inputs
serialIn serial(Serial);
// MENU_INPUTS(in,&serial);
result alert(menuOut& o,idleEvent e) {
if (e==idling) {
o.print("alert test");
o.print("press [select]");
o.print("to continue...");
return proceed;
result doAlert(eventMask e, prompt &item) {
return proceed;
//when menu is suspended
result idle(menuOut& o,idleEvent e) {
switch(e) {
case idleStart:o.println("suspending menu!");break;
case idling:o.println("suspended...");break;
case idleEnd:o.println("resuming menu.");break;
return proceed;
//XFM2 paramter setting - From Rene's code
void set_unit( int unit ) {
// Default to unit 1
Serial1.write( unit == 2 ? '2' : '1' );
void set_parameter( int param, int value ) {
Serial1.write( 's' ); // 's' = Set Parameter
if( param > 255 ) {
// Parameters above 255 have a two-byte format: b1 = 255, b2 = x-256
Serial1.write( 255 );
Serial1.write( param - 256 );
Serial1.write( value );
else {
Serial1.write( param );
Serial1.write( value );
void get_parameter( int param, int value ) {
Serial1.write( 'g' ); // 'g' = Get Parameter
if( param > 255 ) {
// Parameters above 255 have a two-byte format: b1 = 255, b2 = x-256
Serial1.write( 255 );
Serial1.write( param - 256 );
Serial1.write( value );
else {
Serial1.write( param );
Serial1.write( value );
// two serial port setup
// serial - the primary serial port for the output of the menu
// serial1 - the output for the UART comms with the XFM2
void setup() {
Serial.println("XFM2 UI V1.0");Serial.flush();
nav.idleTask=idle; //point a function to be used when menu is suspended
Serial.println("Setup complete.");Serial.flush();
void loop() {
// Statics
// This section needs to be updated with code to change multiple parameters based on the selected values
static int in0;
static int v0;
static int v1;
static int v2;
static int avg0;
static int avg1;
static int avg2;
static int last0 = 2000;
static int last1 = 2000;
static int last2 = 2000;
// Read value from menu variable
v0 = AM_Range;
v1 = AM_Speed;
v2 = AM_Depth;
// Smooth value cheaper than a cap
avg0 += ( v0 - avg0 ) / 2;
avg1 += ( v1 - avg1 ) / 2;
avg2 += ( v2 - avg2 ) / 2;
// 10-bit -> 8-bit
int a0 = avg0 >> 2;
int a1 = avg1 >> 2;
int a2 = avg2 >> 2;
// New value? send it to XFM2
if(( a0 != last0 ) || ( a1 != last1) || (a2 != last2)) {
// Set this message to be sent to XFM2 unit 1 (change to '2' to send to the second unit)
set_unit( 1 );
// Send parameter AM DEPTH (#332) with value 255
// NOTE: This first message is just needed to ensure the next parameter effect is heard
set_parameter( PRM_AM_DEPTH, a2 );
set_parameter( PRM_AM_SPEED, a1 );
// Send parameter AM SPEED RANGE (#331) with the read value
set_parameter( PRM_AM_RANGE, a0 );
// Flash some light as to assert dominance
digitalWrite( LED_BUILTIN, HIGH );
digitalWrite( LED_BUILTIN, LOW );
last0 = a0;
last1 = a1;
last2 = a2;
if (nav.changed(0)) { //only draw if menu changed for gfx device
//change checking leaves more time for other tasks
do nav.doOutput(); while(u8g2.nextPage());
yes, see this example
let me know if you need further help
can we close this?
A question before closing this issue:
I would like the menu definition code inside a function
Could you tell what return type should such function have?
How to declare nav then to use it on the loop?