
This is an example of Artificial Intelligence (AI) calculations on a very cheap hardware.

Details on function, installation and configuration can be found on the Wiki Page

A 3d-printable housing can be found here:

respectively ESP32-Cam housing only:


If you would like to support the developer with a cup of coffee you can do that via Paypal.

If you have any technical topics, you can file a issue in this repository.

In other cases you can contact the developer via email:

Change log

Known Issues

  • slow response of web server during picture analysis
  • spontaneous reboots (mostly due to html access during image processing) - self recovery implemented

General remark: Beside the firmware.bin, typically also the content of /html needs to be updated!

7.0.0 MQTT-Update - (2021-05-08)
  • Upgrade digital CNN to v8.5.0 (added new images)

  • New MQTT topics: flow rate (units/minute), time stamp (last correct read readout)

  • Update MQTT/Error topic to " " in case no error (instead of empty string)

  • Portrait or landscape image orientation in rotated image (avoid cropping)

Additional ideas

There are some ideas and feature request, which are not followed currently - mainly due to capacity reasons on side of the developer. They are collected here:


6.7.2 Image Processing in Memory - (2021-05-01)
5.0.0 Setup Modus - (2020-12-06)
4.1.1 Configuration editor - (2020-12-02)
4.0.0 Tflite Core - (2020-11-15)
3.1.0 MQTT-Client - (2020-10-26)
2.2.1 Version Control - (2020-09-27)
2.1.0 Decimal Shift, Chrome & Edge - (2020-09-25)
2.0.0 Layout update - (2020-09-12)
1.1.3 Initial Version - (2020-09-09)

Solved topics

  • n.a.