
updateAll() type of usage

yussinsharp opened this issue · 1 comments


I would like to be able to UPDATE models by calling saveAll() on a document. Similar to the example below taken from the docs:

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");

    .getJoin({account: true}).run().then(function(user) {
     * var user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     account: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *         sold: 2420
     *     }
     * }
     user.account = null;
     user.saveAll({account: true}).then(function(user) {
         * var user = {
         *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
         *     name: "Michel",
         * }
            .then(function(account) {

             *  // The foreign key in account was deleted.
             *  var account: {
             *      id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
             *      sold: 2420
             *  }


However it would work like this:

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");

    .getJoin({account: true}).run().then(function(user) {
     * var user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     account: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *         sold: 2420
     *     }
     * }
     user.account.sold = 888;
     user.saveAll({account: true}).then(function(user) {
         * var user = {
         *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
         *     name: "Michel",
         *    account: {
         *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
         *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
         *         sold: 888
         *    }
         * }
            .then(function(account) {
             *  // The property is updated
             *  var account: {
             *      id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
             *      userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
             *      sold: 888,
             *  }

Is this possible to do?

I might be wrong, but I believe that is exactly how it works. Have you tried it?