saveAll with sub relational document removal throwing validation Error.
valayDave opened this issue · 1 comments
valayDave commented
The documentation for saving relational documents and deleting them shows the following:
var Advertizer = thinky.createModel("Advertizer", {
name: type.string(),
var Contract = thinky.createModel("Contract", {
advId: type.string(),
regionId : type.string()
var Region = thinky.createModel("Region", {
name: type.string(),
Advertizer.hasMany(Contract, "contracts", "id", "advId");
Contract.belongsTo(Advertizer, "advertizer", "advId", "id");
Region.hasMany(Contract, "contracts", "id", "regionId");
Contract.belongsTo(Region, "region", "regionId", "id");
.then(function(adv) {
adv.contracts.splice(1, 1);
adv.saveAll({contracts: true}).then(function(newAdv) {
When I do the adv.saveAll() I get a validation Error saying advId must be defined. I am doing it the same way it is shown on thinky documentation.
What can be the issue?
neumino commented
Maybe because id
is not declared in your schema?