
Add instructions on how to build project in Ubuntu to encourage development

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Step 1: If you don't already have the code, get the latest copy using Git
git clone

Step 2: Enter CuteCom directory
cd Cutecom

Step 3: obtain libraries required to build executable
sudo apt install -y qtbase5-dev cmake libqt5serialport5-dev

Step 4: configure the build environment in preparation for compiling
cmake .

Step 5: compile the code into an executable file
Tip: add -j(number_of_cpu_cores) to speed up compile time. example: make -j8

Step 6: (Optional) install executable into system bin directory for system-wide use.
sudo make install

I tested these steps and can confirm they work 100% on a clean install of Ubuntu 17.04

Perhaps someone could add some steps for enabling debug flags and other such compile options.

please add script to build *.deb package too

as example
great. one script and my first self builded deb package ready.