
Error with Ubuntu-Mate 15.10

spsf64 opened this issue · 6 comments

Chroot fail and xterm error (which is installed)
Terminal output:

......Found: initrd.lz

......Preparing network connection for chroot.....

......Network connection will be available in chroot.....

......Debcache Management starting....
......moving deb files to edit/var/cache/apt/archives......

......Preparing the chroot terminal......
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
------Preparing chroot failed-----

......Preparation complete! Running chroot terminal...
......When you are finished, run: exit or simply close the chroot terminal.....

...... run 'cat help' or './help' to get help in chroot terminal......

......Failed to run x-terminal-emulator. Check if x-terminal-emulator link exists and not broken
Want to continue without chroot (Y/n)?:
......Running x-terminal-emulator failed. Exiting...

Can you run the command x-terminal-emulator in a terminal and check if this link is not broken or something....

You can also apply a patch in JLIVECD to forcefully use your desired terminal application for chroot. Run this command in a terminal to apply the patch:

sudo sed -i 's/x-terminal-emulator/mate-terminal/g' /usr/local/JLIVECD/main/custom_desktop

This will force Jlivecd to use mate-terminal for chroot.

x-terminal-emulator is working fine, used the sed command and still get the same output: "Preparing chroot failed"

As you have xterm installed, how about using xterm, then:

sudo sed -i 's/mate-terminal/xterm/g' /usr/local/JLIVECD/main/custom_desktop

Thanks neurobin! With the latest command it works now!
Maybe you could add this info to the readme?!

Thank you!

I have pushed a new commit which tries xterm automatically if x-terminal-emulator fails. And also the docs been updated.
Regards, Jahid.