

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Link to the repository:

Title of notebook:
e.g. binder tutorial

e.g. Loic Tetrel

Short layman description:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, homero debitis instructior ea sed, aeque voluptaria id mel, no case incorrupte vituperatoribus est. Vocent albucius sit ad. Per veri partiendo id, ex duis delicata gubergren sea, eripuit scaevola partiendo his no. Ludus bonorum theophrastus cu sea, mea te clita aliquando urbanitas, quis mutat per ei. Sea in case debet propriae, habeo fabulas commune vis in. Mea no erant gubergren, in pri audiam voluptaria quaerendum. Et affert tritani vel, no zril deterruisset his, per ex odio iriure adversarium.

e.g. How and why use the binder platform to share notebooks, 50 words max

Link to notebook icon:

tutorials or paper companion

Why is that resource useful for the neuroscience community:
200 words max

How much data storage space do you expect to use:
e.g. 1 GB

How much execution time do you expect users to need:
e.g. 1 hour