

Closed this issue · 6 comments

sopje commented


I have installed everything to run your code using conda with the steps described. I am running on Ubuntu 22.04.2. I tried the example of Video -> events using data>examples> and then When I try to download from Youtube, I run into problems (pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError), this is fixed by updating the package (see:
Now, when I try to convert the just downloaded video to event-based data, I get the following error:

ImportError: /home/s4583639/anaconda3/envs/testSimu/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZNSt15__exception_ptr13exception_ptr10_M_releaseEv

When I tried to install everything without conda (using venv), I get the same error:
ImportError: /home/s4583639/Documents/Thesis Code/Simulation Event Based/IEBCS-main/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZNSt15__exception_ptr13exception_ptr10_M_releaseEv

Hope you can help me with this,

Kind Regards,


Hello Sophie,
I will try to replicate your issue.
In the meantime, could you please confirm that you have compiled after activating the virtual python environment ?
From your second issue, it seems that you cannot import loris. How did you configure your .venv ?

sopje commented


Thanks for your answer. I tried to replicate creating the venv again. I am now stuck at downloading the aedat==1.2.1 package. I remember I did compile after activating the venv. It seems I cannot get it to work again with venv.

Kind Regards,


Sorry again for this: my install documentation was bad, and the install settings not working with Ubuntu22. Conda is also coming with its own g++ compiler, and the symbol errors you had are likely to come from packages not compiled with the same compiler.
Now it should be working in Ubuntu22/Python3.8.

Let me know if you want to to test with newer Python version. Using Distutils is depreciated since Python 3.12, I will update it anyway.


(you can follow the changes in, likely to be merged soon

Hello @sopje , the PR was merged few weeks ago, did it solve your issues ?

This should be fixed now after the latest merge.