
Updating IV to work with newer libtiff versions

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Is there any interest in updating IV to use newer versions of libtiff? The version bundled with IV is quite an old one. The current version is 4, and IV does not build with it---probably because of API/ABI changes. If it's worth updating IV code to build with newer libtiff, some of us at NeuroFedora can give it a go and submit PRs etc.


That would be appreciated. Just curious. is there (or that) a more general package that handles
gif and png as well as well?

Great. I'll try to work on it in the coming weeks.

I'm not sure about what other libraries there are currently---unfortunately, it isn't my primary area of work. I will e-mail the Fedora development mailing list today and see what the other developers in the community have to say, though.