
get_means() is not recognized

raheems opened this issue · 3 comments

The get_means() function is not found. It's throwing error. I am using the currently available version of psycho installed via install.package. I am using Microsoft R Open 3.5.1


fit <- lmer(Subjective_Valence ~ Emotion_Condition * Participant_Sex + (1|Participant_ID), data=emotion)

Error in get_means(fit) : could not find function "get_means"

@raheems That is very weird. Could you test your psycho version (packageVersion("psycho"))? Also, could you try to install the github version (although the github version should be fairly similar to the CRAN version)?


Did this get resolved? I am having the same issue with 'psycho' version 0.5.0. I am getting the same error that the get_means() function is not found.

@erikgarcia22 While I am not sure about the cause of the original issue, yours is related to the recent update of psycho and the moving of some of its functions to other packages. In particular, get_means() and get_contrasts have been moved to modelbased (renamed as estimate_means).

See this reply for some more context. Let me know how that went