
How to perform edgeR-LRT using Libra with no biological replicates?

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DE = run_de(snRNA, de_family = 'pseudobulk', de_method = 'edgeR', de_type = 'LRT',cell_type_col = "orig.ident")

This returns:
Error in mutate_at():
! Can't subset columns that don't exist.
✖ Column replicate doesn't exist.

So how can I perfrom edgeR-LRT using Libra with no biological replicates?

If you do not have biological replicates you would typically use a single-cell method (e.g., Wilcox), since pseudobulk methods require replicates. Alternatively, you could treat cells as replicates (cell_type_col = barcode) - however this will not protect you against the biases we describe in the paper.

I tried to run a single-cell method (wilcox) on a Seurat dataset (specifically ifnb, it is a PMBC dataset with 2 treatments, no biological replicates), and I also received an error "Column replicate doesn't exist". Should this be working by default?