
'Uncaught Package not found fili' error when trying to use eeg-pipes 2.0.2 with muse-js example

tanvach opened this issue · 4 comments

I've been trying to use bufferFFT() example code with muse-js example (link).

How to replicate the issue:

  • Run yarn add eeg-pipes in muse-js directory
  • Add import { bufferFFT, alphaPower } from "eeg-pipes"; to top of main.ts file
  • After this line: client.eegReadings.subscribe(reading => {console.log(reading);});, add client.eegReadings.pipe(bufferFFT({ bins: 256 }), alphaPower()).subscribe(buffer => console.log(buffer));
  • Run yarn start and load http://localhost:4445/
  • Open js console and see Uncaught Package not found fili

@jdpigeon suggested to use v1.x. I've found v1.2.0 would give Uncaught Package not found babel-runtime error, but v1.1.0 seems to load fine.

We're taking a look at this. Can you confirm whether fili is in your project's node_modules folder and in the list of modules returned by npm list --prod?

Thank you, muse-js is using yarn:

> yarn list --prod
yarn list v1.5.1
├─ @types/web-bluetooth@0.0.2
├─ dsp.js@1.0.1
├─ eeg-pipes@2.0.3
│  ├─ dsp.js@^1.0.1
│  ├─ fili@^2.0.1
│  ├─ rxjs@^5.5.2
│  └─ rxjs@5.5.10
│     └─ symbol-observable@1.0.1
├─ fili@2.0.1
├─ rxjs@6.0.0
│  └─ tslib@^1.9.0
├─ symbol-observable@1.0.1
└─ tslib@1.9.0
✨  Done in 0.53s

When I use npm install eeg-pipes it would break yarn start.

I double checked that indeed eeg-pipes is in node_modules

For cleaner way to reproduce this, I've created a repo here

It's a simple react app that imports muse-js and eeg-pipes. You can run using the usual npm install and npm start. This time, It throws a more informative fili related error.

screen shot 2018-05-16 at 5 33 06 pm

npm list --prod output

> npm list --prod
muse-fft@0.1.0 /Users/tan_vachiramon/Codes/muse-fft
├── dsp.js@1.0.1
├─┬ eeg-pipes@2.0.3
│ ├── dsp.js@1.0.1 deduped
│ ├── fili@2.0.1 deduped
│ └── rxjs@5.5.2 deduped
├── fili@2.0.1
├─┬ muse-js@3.0.1
│ ├── @types/web-bluetooth@0.0.2
│ └─┬ rxjs@6.1.0
│   └── tslib@1.9.1
├─┬ react@16.3.2