
Unexpected plugin errors

Ayman161803 opened this issue · 5 comments

It looks like my appify plugin is broken and I get unable to load appify plugin after each neu CLI command. I removed appify plugin through neu CLI plugins --remove as well but it doesn't look like that is making any difference.

Here is a screenshot which tries to explain the same.


I see the same error in macOS 12.3.1 (21E258)

❯❯ neu version
neu: ERROR Unable to load @neutralinojs/appify plugin.
  _   _            _             _ _             _
 | \ | | ___ _   _| |_ _ __ __ _| (_)_ __   ___ (_)___
 |  \| |/ _ \ | | | __| '__/ _` | | | '_ \ / _ \| / __|
 | |\  |  __/ |_| | |_| | | (_| | | | | | | (_) | \__ \
 |_| \_|\___|\__,_|\__|_|  \__,_|_|_|_| |_|\___// |___/
--- Global ---
neu CLI: v9.3.0

--- Project: test-cmd-app (js.neutralino.sample) ---
Neutralinojs binaries: v4.5.0
Neutralinojs client: v3.4.0
Project version: v1.0.0

The app seems to run with no issues though.

❯❯ neu run
neu: ERROR Unable to load @neutralinojs/appify plugin.
neu: INFO Starting process: neutralino-mac_x64  --load-dir-res --path=. --export-auth-info --neu-dev-extension --neu-dev-auto-reload
INFO 2022-05-13 10:46:39,759 Auth info was exported to ./.tmp/auth_info.json api/debug/debug.cpp:14 ganelson@unknown-host
neu: INFO neu CLI connected with the application.

@Ayman161803 @gaurav-nelson Is this issue still persistent I just tried it on my side and everything seems to work fine

Thanks @Sadaf-A This is not an issue anymore.

neu CLI: v10.1.0
Neutralinojs binaries: v4.15.0
Neutralinojs client: v3.13.0

Hey @shalithasuranga ,
Since this has already been resolved I think this issue can be closed

Sure we can close this issue @Sadaf-A, thanks for the reminder 🎉