
Extensions Log not showing on "neu run"

thorin8k opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
Trying to do an extension based on im not being able to show logged messages.

I've copied main.js and see the output vía inspector (messaging) but nothing is shown in the neu run output

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a simple extension based on the example
  2. Configure neutralino.config.json to use the extension
  3. Launch app

Expected behavior
Based on the code of main.js from sampleextension the neu run output should show information for connected, and messaging but it isnt.

Screenshots/Screen recordings




  • OS: Windows 11 x64
  • Neutralinojs version: v4.6.0 (tried also with 4.5.0)
  • Neutralinojs client library version: v3.5.0
  • Neutralinojs CLI version: v9.3.1

Additional context
The log is not being writed to file also.

I've also tried to show log by calling debug.log API but this turned out in another strange behaviour. The log started a write loop that wont stop until app is closed.

@thorin8k any updates on your side ?

@thorin8k any updates on your side ?

No, still having problems with this. I've not yet tried with the lastest versión (4.7.0) but im using a file logger in the extension in order to get some tracing.

I've also tried to show log by calling debug.log API but this turned out in another strange behaviour. The log started a write loop that wont stop until app is closed.

Hey, make sure you have the following property in your neutralino.config.json

"enableExtensions": true,

Apart from this make sure your configurations for the extension in the neutralino.config.json file are correct

It would easier to figure out the issue if you could share your config file