
Build failed on Ubuntu22.04

aucker opened this issue · 9 comments

aucker commented

Hi, I follow the Wiki to install this module, when I try to build this module with the command ./bootstrap && ./configure PULSE_DIR=~/pulseaudio.src , I got the following error:

configure: WARNING: PULSE_DIR may not be valid - can't find expected file
configure: PULSE_CONFIG_DIR not defined
checking Searching for config.h under PULSE_DIR... find: '~/pulseaudio.src': No such file or directory
configure: error: Can't find config.h under PULSE_DIR. Define PULSE_CONFIG_DIR?

The content of 'pulseaudio.src' is as follows:

[~/pulseaudio.src]$ tree -L 2
├── build
│   ├── config.h
│   ├── doxygen
│   ├── man
│   ├── meson-info
│   ├── meson-logs
│   ├── meson-private
│   ├── po
│   ├── shell-completion
│   ├── src
│   └── vala
└── src
    ├── daemon
    ├── modules
    ├── pulse
    ├── pulsecore
    ├── tests
    └── utils

17 directories, 1 file

What should I do next?

It looks like the pulseaudio sources haven't built correctly.

Did you run scripts/ If so, did you get any errors?

aucker commented

Yes, I did, after running the scripts/, here is the output:

*[devel][~/pulseaudio-module-xrdp]$ ./scripts/ 
- Creating jammy build root. Log file in /var/tmp/pa-build-aucker-debootstrap.log
[sudo] password for aucker: 
- Creating schroot config file /etc/schroot/chroot.d/pa-build-aucker.conf
- Copying /etc/apt/sources.list to the root
- Creating the build directory /build
- Copying the wrapped script to the build directory
- Building PA sources. Log file in /var/tmp/pa-build-aucker-schroot.log
- Copying sources out of the build root
- Removing schroot config file and build root
- All done. Configure PA xrdp module with PULSE_DIR=/home/aucker/pulseaudio.src

Looks like there is no error when executing above command, there is also a pulseaudio.src folder in my home directory, but I still get the above error

aucker commented

I finally solve this by changing the command ./bootstrap && ./configure PULSE_DIR=~/pulseaudio.src to ./bootstrap && ./configure PULSE_DIR=/home/xuser/pulseaudio.src, and everything works fine. I wonder why this happens, perhaps because I use the zsh?

That could be it. Maybe zsh isn't expanding ~ in the same way as sh.

Does this command work for you?

./bootstrap && ./configure PULSE_DIR=$HOME/pulseaudio.src

If so I'll update the wiki.

aucker commented

Yes, this command also works for me

aucker commented

I just updated the wiki page, hope it helps!🥳 And if there is no more questions, I will close this issue.


You can use the $HOME syntax for sh too, so your wiki page change can be simplified a bit. Feel free to update it, or let me know and I'll do it.

aucker commented

Just updated the wiki page <3

Perfect - ta. I'll close this now.