
Support for the new drag and drop in uitableview and uicollectionview

jcampbell05 opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there support for the new APIs Apple released for drag and drop with UITableView and UICollectionView ?

If not how do you think we could add support ?

bogo commented

Could you outline which API you would like to see adopted specifically?

nevyn commented

@jcampbell05 Ooh, interactive movement looks fantastic. In the example app, you can see a sample of how to use drag'n'drop to support both dragging for the sake of moving items outside of a collection, and dragging for the sake of reordering -- supporting both at the same time. Implementing support for interactive movement in that sample sounds like a fun exercise; feel free to send a PR if you end up doing it :)

@nevyn not quite there in my app but will do once I give it a go.