
When there are multiple Windows, drag and drop no longer works.

jcampbell05 opened this issue · 5 comments

When there are multiple windows, CoreDragon does try to loop though them but upon not finding a source on the first window it will return nil, the fix is as simple as making sure to only return a source when looping through the windows if there actually is one, otherwise carry on looping:

- (SPDragSource*)sourceUnderLocation:(CGPoint)locationInWindow
    for(UIWindow *window in [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows) {
        UIView *view = [window hitTest:locationInWindow withEvent:nil];
        SPDragSource *source = nil;
        do {
            source = objc_getAssociatedObject(view, kDragSourceKey);
            if (source)
            view = [view superview];
        } while(view);

        if (source) 
            return source;
    return nil;

There appears to be the same thing with drop target as well.

nevyn commented

@jcampbell05 Thank you!! Would you mind providing this fix as a pull request?

nevyn commented

Nm fixed it myself, thanks :)

@nevyn haha, sorry about this. works great going to ship in an app !

nevyn commented

@jcampbell05 yay!! did you ship? which app?