BlogCafé is a simple Single Page Blog Application built with Laravel and VueJS.
allows users create accounts, create blog posts with multiple images upload feature, view all blog posts and view a single blog post content.
is a end product of a blog tutorial I wrote detailing how to build and implement a blog system with multiple image upload using Vuejs(a frontend SPA) and Laravel.
- Login
- Register
- Multiple Image upload
- Create Blog Post
- View Blog Post
Clone repository
clone repository to your local machine
git clone
Change Directory
Navigate into the project directory
cd BlogCafe
Copy .env file
copy content of the environment file
cp .env.example .env
Edit .env file
Update .env file with DB information
Install laravel packages
Remove composer.lock file and install packages
rm composer.lock
composer install
Generate Key
Generate application key from your terminal
php artisan key:generate
Install npm packages
Remove package-lock.json file and install npm packages
rm package-lock.json
npm i
Run Migrations
Run database migrations and seed the post tables
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Start Application
php artisan serve
Go to localhost:8000 and register, start blogging 🎉