
Firmware build failure for CW305

Closed this issue · 7 comments


I am currently willing to add some features to the firmware of the CW305 board. However, I encounter some failure in the building process. More particularly, I have the following error message (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa))

"arm-none-eabi-gcc"    -c -o ../src/ASF/sam/boards/cw305/init.o ../src/ASF/sam/boards/cw305/init.c
../src/ASF/sam/boards/cw305/init.c:44:10: fatal error: compiler.h: No such file or directory
   44 | #include "compiler.h"
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make: *** [<builtin>: ../src/ASF/sam/boards/cw305/init.o] Error 1

when I do a make under the path chipwhisperer/hardware/victims/cw305_artixtarget/fw/sam3u/CW305_SAM3U_FW/build.
This is obtained for a fresh clone of the repo on the develop branch.

I was able to build the firmware previously (commit 872c73a still working, I can try to dig for more recent commits), so I guess that it comes from some refactoring of the repo.


We do most of our firmware build stuff through Atmel Studio, so I'd recommend that over the makefile. I'm pretty sure
that makefile needs to be updated (probably from a script) from the Atmel Studio project, so it probably got out of sync at some point. We also have a new submodule at hardware/victims/firmware/cw305_artixtarget/fw/sam3u/CW305_SAM3U_FW/src/naeusb, so you'll need to initialize+update that if you haven't already

That being said, I have been working on a simple makefile build system on the naeusb branch of ChipWhisperer. You should be able to build via:

# cd to chipwhisperer folder
cd hardware/victims/firmware/cw305_artixtarget/fw/sam3u/CW305_SAM3U_FW/src
git submodule update --init naeusb
make -j

I can't confirm that this builds working firmware yet, but it at least compiles.


Thanks for the fast answer. I'll try and keep you in touch!

I tried what you suggested and I still have the following compilation errors (from fresh clone again):

Linking: ChipWhisperer-CW305-SAM3U1C.elf
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -I. -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -mlong-calls -g3 -Wall -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wchar-subscripts -Wcomment -Wformat=2 --param max-inline-insns-single=500 -DDEBUG -D__SAM3U2E__ -DARM_MATH_CM3=true -Dprintf=iprintf -DUDD_ENABLE -Dscanf=iscanf -DPLATFORMCW1190=1 -gdwarf-2 -DHAL_TYPE=HAL_sam3u1c -DPLATFORM=SAM3U1C -DF_CPU=7372800UL -Og -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wall -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-unused-value -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=objdir/main_cw305.o -I./naeusb -I.././hal -I.././hal/sam3u1c -I.././hal/sam3u1c/inc -I.././hal/sam3u1c/inc/sam -I.././hal/sam3u1c/inc/sam_twi -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/ChipWhisperer-CW305-SAM3U1C.elf.d objdir/main_cw305.o objdir/naeusb/usb_xmem.o objdir/naeusb/fpga_program.o objdir/naeusb/V2Protocol.o objdir/naeusb/V2ProtocolParams.o objdir/cdce906.o objdir/fpgaspi_program.o objdir/fpgautil_io.o objdir/tps56520.o objdir/naeusb/XMEGANVM.o objdir/naeusb/XPROGNewAE.o objdir/naeusb/XPROGTarget.o objdir/naeusb/XPROGTimeout.o objdir/naeusb/circbuffer.o objdir/tasks.o objdir/naeusb/naeusb.o objdir/naeusb/naeusb_default.o objdir/naeusb/naeusb_fpga_target.o objdir/naeusb/udc.o objdir/usart_serial.o objdir/sleepmgr.o objdir/tc.o objdir/system_sam3u.o objdir/udi_vendor_desc.o objdir/read.o objdir/interrupt_sam_nvic.o objdir/cycle_counter.o objdir/init.o objdir/uart.o objdir/syscalls.o objdir/sleep.o objdir/twi.o objdir/pio.o objdir/chipid.o objdir/exceptions.o objdir/spi.o objdir/efc.o objdir/write.o objdir/pmc.o objdir/ui_cw305.o objdir/sysclk.o objdir/startup_sam3u.o objdir/led.o objdir/udphs_device.o objdir/pio_handler.o objdir/smc.o objdir/udi_vendor.o objdir/usart.o objdir/flash_efc.o --output ChipWhisperer-CW305-SAM3U1C.elf -mthumb -Wl,--start-group -L .././hal/sam3u1c/ -lm -Wl,--end-group   -T .././hal/sam3u1c/flash.ld -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--entry=Reset_Handler -Wl,--cref -mthumb -Wl,,--cref   -lm  
/export/home/cmomin/tools/arm/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: objdir/naeusb/naeusb_default.o: in function `naeusb_sam_cfg_out':
/home/cmomin/tools/chipwhisperer/hardware/victims/cw305_artixtarget/fw/sam3u/CW305_SAM3U_FW/src/naeusb/naeusb_default.c:60: undefined reference to `switch_configurations'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [.././ ChipWhisperer-CW305-SAM3U1C.elf] Error 1

I don't have Atmel Studio installed yet. I'll try with it if no easy fix can be found.

I've confirmed the naeusb branch does work and compile, if you want to try that


I tried on the naeusb branch. It compiles and the generated firmware seems to work with the AES example. Thx!

For the firmware features additions that I plan, do you prefer that I create a pull request to the naeusb branch or should I wait for a (potential) merge of naeusb into develop?

I should be merging naeusb into develop soon, so I'd just wait for that

update: the new build system is merged into develop

Closing this, as the fixes have been merged into develop