
Scan not progressing and switching to results

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Every time I try to do a scan, the progress bar get stuck at 92%. I waited for a long time but it doesn't keep going.
I don't know how to provide a log.

  • Android 11
  • Motorola Moto G 5G plus
  • Disky 1.1.0

Last check, stuck at 89%.

Without logs, this will be hard to diagnose? Are you willing to create them? (You'd need to install either adb-tools or android studio, the latter is usually more easy)

I can get into this stuck state at first launch after installing the app. Also, it stucks when device's theme is changed (from light to dark or vice versa) while the app is opened and showing folders.

I think this scanning screen is fake. There's a notification, which indicates scanning status. Normally, it disappears when scanning is finished. In the stuck state, notification also disappears, but scanning animation isn't.

I always get the same percent on the same device, but the other on the different device.

Rescanning didn't help get out from the stuck state, only restarting the app helps.

I think this scanning screen is fake.

I mean, yeah, its just a screen that is shown when there is nothing to show because either the data is outdated or not initially scanned.

When the scan-service is done, it notifies the main app, which shows the proper data. Getting stuck usually means the scan-service encountered an error.

I dont yet have good error-handling in place, so it might get stuck without an error.

The theme-switching however is different, i just didn't fix it yet.

To actually fix your specific issues however, i need logs. It would be very helpful if you could provide a logcat snippet of the crash.

@KoolTechTricks Are you on Android 11 aswell?

I'm reinstalling the app many times on Android 11 and 13. Android 11 always fails to scan at the first launch (83%), while Android 13 sometimes fails (59%), sometimes not.

My issue probably isn't caused by something that caused OP's issue. But I believe there are other cases when this stuck happens.

The app indeed should have the ability to view logs.

Joining to say that at first boot I had the internal memory stuck at 54% no matter how many reloads inside. SD card worked without problems though (the only issue was the progress bar showed 2183443% for a while, but it finished quickly)

After force closing the app it finished the internal memory scan. Lineage OS 20.

+1 for ability to view logs

Without logs, this will be hard to diagnose? Are you willing to create them? (You'd need to install either adb-tools or android studio, the latter is usually more easy)

I'm absolutely willing to, I just don't know how. Could you guide me on which adb commands I have to launch?
Or maybe to the page where you already explain it: I may have missed it.

You can try above apk. It contains a notification that shows up when an exception is encountered in the scan service. That should containt the actual stacktrace, that i need. It is signed with the same release key, so you can just download and install it over the f-droid variant.

I installed the apk, but the app didn't got stuck, so I don't have any stacktrace to give you ๐Ÿ˜…
I actually received the results this time, for the first time.

I have tried the .apk and this time it got stuck at 45%, but you see the problem is that the scan is just stuck. There's no exception, no error, nothing. So the notification doesn't show at all. Naturally force-closing the app worked again, but this time I couldn't scan the SD card at all.

So the notification doesn't show at all.

No notification? Not even the "Scan in Progress"-notification? Did you grant access to notifications for this app?

If yes, you will have to capture a log manually via android studio/adb.

I had a similar problem after the first launch, the scan got stuck at 58%. I force closed the app and then it went quick and smooth. Seems to be a problem on the loading screen...
Logs would be very welcomed
Thanks for your work dude, the app is really nice and handy when it works ๐Ÿ‘