
Explore Reviving the New Relic Gradle Compatibility Doc Plugin

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The Java agent team's New Relic Gradle Compatibility Doc Plugin allows you to run the ./gradlew generateCompatibilitySite task to generate an HTML version of the Compatibility and requirements for the Java agent public doc (see screenshot).

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 3 00 47 PM

The gradle plugin is still integrated into the Java agent repo and still functions correctly. The plugin gets the supported ranges and category from the site block (or the verifyInstrumentation block if versionOverride isn't defined) defined in each instrumentation module's build.gradle.

site {
title 'JSP'
type 'Other'
versionOverride '[3.0,)'

That said, it hasn't been used in years as the HTML formatting that it generates no longer matches the doc site (which was massively changed after being open sourced).

We should look into updating the plugin so that it can generate correctly formatted files for the doc site and, if possible, automatically open a PR.