
Downloadable CSV of agent version report

fightingmonk opened this issue · 2 comments

Downloadable CSV of agent version report


The web ui for viewing agent age data is great but there are times when I want to export the whole dataset and throw it into a spreadsheet I can manipulate, annotate, and share with others.

Desired Behaviour / Solution

When viewing the agent age report, I want to click a button and have the browser download a CSV-format file. It should combine data for all tables (up to date, out of date, multi-agent, no version) and an additional column indicating which table that app would appear in.


Account Id, Account name, AppId, App name, Language, Agent version(s), Status

Just an FYI to whomever lands on this issue, there is some code in for downloading a CSV, would be relatively easy to grab that and implement here.

CSV downloads are now available in v2.0!