
Most options listed in the documentation are missing in the actual code

Closed this issue · 2 comments

yathi commented

I tried to launch a bees attack with some headers using the command:

bees attack -u 'myurl' -n 50 -H "content-type: application/json ; authorization: mykey"

I got the following response from Bees:

bees COMMAND [options]

Bees with Machine Guns

A utility for arming (creating) many bees (small EC2 instances) to attack
(load test) targets (web applications).

up Start a batch of load testing servers.
attack Begin the attack on a specific url.
down Shutdown and deactivate the load testing servers.
report Report the status of the load testing servers.

bees: error: no such option: -H

Then I looked at the commands provided with bees --help and it is a small subset of what the documentation seems to suggest. If the code does not do what the documentation suggests, should it be in the documentation?

The output of bees --help :

bees COMMAND [options]

Bees with Machine Guns

A utility for arming (creating) many bees (small EC2 instances) to attack
(load test) targets (web applications).

  up      Start a batch of load testing servers.
  attack  Begin the attack on a specific url.
  down    Shutdown and deactivate the load testing servers.
  report  Report the status of the load testing servers.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    In order to spin up new servers you will need to specify at least the
    -k command, which is the name of the EC2 keypair to use for creating
    and connecting to the new servers. The bees will expect to find a .pem
    file with this name in ~/.ssh/.

    -k KEY, --key=KEY   The ssh key pair name to use to connect to the new
    -s SERVERS, --servers=SERVERS
                        The number of servers to start (default: 5).
    -g GROUP, --group=GROUP
                        The security group to run the instances under
                        (default: default).
    -z ZONE, --zone=ZONE
                        The availability zone to start the instances in
                        (default: us-east-1d).
    -i INSTANCE, --instance=INSTANCE
                        The instance-id to use for each server from (default:
    -l LOGIN, --login=LOGIN
                        The ssh username name to use to connect to the new
                        servers (default: newsapps).

    Beginning an attack requires only that you specify the -u option with
    the URL you wish to target.

    -u URL, --url=URL   URL of the target to attack.
    -n NUMBER, --number=NUMBER
                        The number of total connections to make to the target
                        (default: 1000).
    -c CONCURRENT, --concurrent=CONCURRENT
                        The number of concurrent connections to make to the
                        target (default: 100).

The version in pip is significantly outdated, as discussed over a year ago in this thread: #106

If we are having the same issue as a year ago, let's get the team to put together a stable release to send to PyPi. I think it's about time.

Team: contact me if there are any loose ends or features to be bolted down before a stable release is possible.

yathi commented

Thanks for the reply. I did go through the other issues and eventually managed to install the newer version. But it should not be this difficult. Atleast the documentation should mention the correct way to install. Instead it explicitly recommends the pip version which is apparently outdated.