
Assist TimesRadio with spinning up 7.2.0

LukeFinch opened this issue · 1 comments


Detail what the piece of work is, referencing any relevant components

Times Radio is looking to get on the latest version of NewsKit - currently, they're on a 0.0.0 release.
They need a theme exported which will work with the 7.2.0 release of NewsKit


  • Publish theme to npm with theme-publisher
  • Get font metrics for TR fonts
  • Demonstrate how to use the theme in a 7.2.0 environment

Acceptance Criteria

All acceptance criteria must be met before task can be marked as 'done'

Supporting Information

Process/sequence flows, wireframes, third party documentation, tech feasibility, architecture overview/documentation, high level design, data specs etc...


Any known business dependencies or reasons to engage with another team and input into their roadmap/timings