
configure failed,why?

00032118 opened this issue · 10 comments

D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0>python --version
Python 3.6.0


  • Activating ...
  • Installing components ...
    Requirement already satisfied: pip in d:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\lib\site-packages (from -r D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\etc\conf\base.txt (line 5))
    Collecting pytest (from -r D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\etc\conf\dev\base.txt (line 2))
    Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pytest (from -r D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\etc\conf\dev\base.txt (line 2)) (from versions: )
    No matching distribution found for pytest (from -r D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\etc\conf\dev\base.txt (line 2))

Failed to execute command:
pip install --no-allow-external --use-wheel --no-index --no-cache-dir --find-links="D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\thirdparty/prod" --find-links="D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\thirdparty/base" -r "D:\sc
ode\deltacode-1.0.0\etc\conf\dev\base.txt". Aborting...

DeltaCode does not support python3 at this time. Eventually we will, but for now you can check this ticket for status of the migration: #131

(deltacode-1.0.0) D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0>python --version
Python 2.7.14

(deltacode-1.0.0) D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0>configure

  • Activating ...
  • Installing components ...
    Requirement already satisfied: pip in d:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\lib\site-packages (from -r
    Collecting pytest (from -r D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\etc\conf\dev\base.txt (line 2))
    Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pytest (from -r D:\scancode\deltac
    No matching distribution found for pytest (from -r D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0\etc\conf\dev\

Failed to execute command:
pip install --no-allow-external --use-wheel --no-index --no-cache-dir --find-links="D:\scanc
ode\deltacode-1.0.0\etc\conf\dev\base.txt". Aborting...

@00032118 is bin directory in the deltacode directory?

@00032118 I think it is still using py3 during config , else it will not show this error.

(deltacode-1.0.0) D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0>ls
AUTHORS.rst Lib README.rst configure deltacode.bat
CHANGELOG.rst Scripts configure.bat etc src
CONTRIBUTING.rst NOTICE apache-2.0.LICENSE deltacode samples tcl
Include PKG-INFO bin deltacode.ABOUT setup.cfg thirdparty

@00032118 is bin directory in the deltacode directory?

no, it's deltacode root path

(deltacode-1.0.0) D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0>ls
AUTHORS.rst Lib README.rst configure deltacode.bat
CHANGELOG.rst Scripts configure.bat etc src
CONTRIBUTING.rst NOTICE apache-2.0.LICENSE deltacode samples tcl
Include PKG-INFO bin deltacode.ABOUT setup.cfg thirdparty

yeah so bin dir is created,

(deltacode-1.0.0) D:\scancode\deltacode-1.0.0>ls
AUTHORS.rst Lib README.rst configure deltacode.bat
CHANGELOG.rst Scripts configure.bat etc src
CONTRIBUTING.rst NOTICE apache-2.0.LICENSE deltacode samples tcl
Include PKG-INFO bin deltacode.ABOUT setup.cfg thirdparty

do ls in the bin directory, and show the contents

@00032118 If you are on windows, you may want to try running configure.bat

#162 adds support for Python3 and windows 64 bit. This should be working now. Closing.