
Add documentation on Score and Scoring for deltacode

steven-esser opened this issue · 3 comments

@JonoYang mentioned this in Slack.

We should start some documentation in the DeltaCode wiki that explains the 'score' variable for a Delta.

We should also mention how and why the score changes.

This does not need to be at a super detailed level, just the general idea of what the score represents and cases in which the score would be increased or decreased.

Basic skeleton we can start with:

  • Delta Objects
    • explain score: measurement of how important a change is. The higher, the more imporntant
    • explain factors: string represting the 'factors' for a delta object's score
  • License Addtions + changes:
    • explain how the addition of license info adds to a score, with Copyleft/Commercial additions adding more weight
    • explain license diff, or when a delta is found with modified license info between two file objs.
  • Copyright Holder Additions:
    • same as above
    • same as above
  • Unmodified + Removed:
    • show that these are left with the lowest score, as they are not important from an auditor standpoint

For now, if we have this basic information in a wiki page, it will go a long way in terms of explaining what deltacode does.

@MaJuRG I've drafted an initial version of the wiki's scoring description, ready for your review at

👍 Looks good to me, nice docs. Closing.