
Deploy an online tool

Opened this issue · 5 comments

This issue will capture progress on making license-expression and into online tools.

Transpiling tools that did not quite work:

  1. RapydScript
    Lacks support for importing things (like, import __future__), its list of importable modules is here

  2. Batavia
    The idea here is to compile python to its bytecode and then run it in a javascript vm. Because python bytecode changes from version to version, batavia currently supports 3.4.4 and possibly 3.5.x (their docs state many things). My problem was compiling those pythons on Archlinux and when I finally did a) their test suite did not quite pass and b) it chocked on import __future__.

  3. PyPyJS
    The whole thing is complicated and I failed to make it work. Main demotivator: the website offers python 2.7.9 and there is a github issue that indicates python 3 support is stalling.

Transpiling tools that look promising:

  1. Transcrypt and
    This is currently the only candidate that has a distinct transpiling step (you actually see the .js files as a result) that could be made to work. However, there are problems which are summarized on SO.

  2. Brython
    The most laid-back approach: just works, delivers results but sometimes the resulting boolean expressions come out wrong (runtime error).

Transpiling tools that look promising but not yet tried:

  1. Skulpt
    It looks similar to Brython, which is why untried.

  2. flexx



Need to watch a PyCon17 talk on building transpilers, might be useful:

and the pybee tool from the same author, that you listed alright :)
great finds!


spdx-expression-parse is a SPDX expression parser written in JavaScript. There are other related packages in jslicense.

It is much more minimal than this project (which have many more features), but if it can save you some time...

@motet-a Thanks! spdx-expression-parse is great... with the caveat that the features it misses are the ones we want in JS ;) e.g. flexible parsing from eventually non-SPDX licenses names or ids, and boolean reasoning, sorting, simplification and equivalence on expressions. (FYI this effort to port this to JS by @all3fox is a GSoC project)

i would like to work on the project for gsoc 2019.and i want to contribute on it.