

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I think this is not sync with the current configure script as we are now using configure --dev to have the testing utilities installed and the binaries lie under tmp/bin/ instead of bin (the binaries location seem different between configure and configure.bat)

@chinyeungli Thanks! do you mind to draft a PR?

@pombredanne the windows' configure will put all the libs under /tmp/Scripts/ while the linux configure put all the libs under /tmp/bin/
Is there any way to sync this? or perhaps create a symbolic link at /tmp/bin/ pointing to /tmp/Scripts/? but I don't know how to do that with the current setup.cfg or configure.bat
feedback/comment/instruction are welcome

Is there any way to sync this? or perhaps create a symbolic link at /tmp/bin/ pointing to /tmp/Scripts/? but I don't know how to do that with the current setup.cfg or configure.bat

There is a way called junctions and it used to be set with this in scancode in the past nexB/scancode-toolkit@6290f39
It was removed as this was causing more problems than using the Scripts path.... which we do not control and is what "virtualenv" does by default (and cannot be changed)

I've figuered out to create a junction by adding the following line of code in the configure.bat


such as at

Will that work?
(It seems to work on my other repo)

README has been updated, closing this.