
Nexe eats up any command line parameter starting with -- like --help

taeguscromis opened this issue · 3 comments

What happened:

If I run the binary I got with nexe with one argument that starts wth -- like --help this happens

c:\Projects\conceal-guardian>guardian-win64.exe --help

It eats up the argument. If I run it without the -- it works as expected. This seems to be happening only on node 20x. On 18x I do not have this issue.

c:\Projects\conceal-guardian>guardian-win64.exe testArg

What you expected to happen:

On windows if I run my project with node directly and add --help as first argv it works as expected. I get 3 arguments in the array

C:\Projects\conceal-guardian>node index.js --help
'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe',

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

Just do a dummy app that just reads the arguments. I printed it out in my example simply with


So there is as minimal case as possible

Anything else we need to know?:


  • Platform(OS/Version): Windows
  • Host Node Version: Node 20x
  • Target Node Version: Node 20x
  • Nexe version: 4.0.0-rc.4
  • Python Version: 3


Trying to use test.exe --debug and getting:
[DEP0062]: `node --debug` and `node --debug-brk` are invalid. Please use `node --inspect` and `node --inspect-brk` instead.

Works if pushed down the argv order e.g. test.exe 1 --debug


Came here to report the same but here is the workaround: #1082

Came here to report the same but here is the workaround: #1082

Not really the best option as then you need to explain that to your users. Unless we can somehow auto inject that with node 20x. For now I am just building with node 18x for both platforms. But cannot do that forever.