
node.js 프로그래밍 중인 인트라넷입니다.아직은 정리 되지 않았고 db는 mysql입니다.암호는 따로 입력해야 됩니다.에러없이 실행은 잘 됩니다. node js community http://cafe.naver.com/npmjs

Primary LanguageHTML

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Welcome to Cloud9 IDE!

To get you started, we have created a demo chat application.

  1. Open the server.js file

  2. Click the 'Run' button at the top to start your server,

  3. Click the URL that is emitted to the Output tab of the console

Happy coding! The Cloud9 IDE team

Support & Documentation

Visit http://docs.c9.io for documentation, or http://support.c9.io for support. To watch some training videos, visit http://www.youtube.com/user/c9ide.