
NcSelect Timezone picker breaks on Firefox when using with NcPopover

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Since the component uses a manual z-index, the component looks like this on Firefox when using it together with the NcPopover


It does not have any custom stylings so this is caused by NcSelect which is used under the hood.

@miaulalala are you sure you mounted the popover correctly?
Because something like this works

	<div style="display: flex">
			<template #trigger>
				<NcButton>I am the trigger</NcButton>
				<form tabindex="0" @submit.prevent>
						<template #trigger>
							<NcButton>I am the second trigger</NcButton>
							<NcTimezonePicker />
					<h2>this is some content</h2>
						Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <br/>
						Vestibulum eget placerat velit.
						Label element
						<input type="text" placeholder="input element"/>

No adjustments needed, so I guess one of your popovers is bound to a HTML element below the current popover. Are you nesting them and bind both to the body instead the second one to the first?

That seems to be it. Thanks again @susnux ❤️