
`npm link @nextcloud/vue` hangs - can't follow setup steps further

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm working on nextcloud/server#43969 (which should probably be moved here)

However, when I follow the development steps here I get stuck on npm link @nextcloud/vue as the process hangs.

I am using a fresh github codespaces instance with 8-core • 32GB RAM following the steps here.

Once the instance was ready I ran

git clone
cd nextcloud-vue
npm ci
npm run build
npm link
cd ..
npm link @nextcloud/vue

The command hangs with the following message:

devcontainer@e10ee088eb55:/var/www/html$ npm link @nextcloud/vue
npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
(######⠂⠂⠂⠂⠂⠂⠂⠂⠂⠂⠂⠂) ⠦ idealTree:react-styleguidist: sill placeDep nextcloud-vue react-styleguidist@11.2.0 OK for: vue-styleguidist@4.72.4 want: ^11.2.0

running ps aux | grep link I can see the process has been running at 100% CPU for 16 minutes.
devcont+ 4944 103 3.8 2060812 1249872 pts/1 Rl+ 14:13 16:01 npm link @nextcloud/vue

Is this expected? If so we should add a note about it to the readme here. This is my second time going through the process and getting stuck at this step.

edit: I also tried with yalc and then I got this error when building nextcloud/server:

ERROR in ./.yalc/@nextcloud/vue/dist/chunks/autolink-oKM43mOC.mjs 45:24-25
export 'getBaseUrl' (imported as 'u') was not found in '@nextcloud/router' (possible exports: __esModule, generateFilePath, generateOcsUrl, generateRemoteUrl, generateUrl, getAppRootUrl, getRootUrl, imagePath, linkTo)
 @ ./.yalc/@nextcloud/vue/dist/chunks/NcRichText-9hGP2bnI.mjs 3:0-73 92:22-23 103:27-28 143:56-57 240:31-32 274:24-25
 @ ./.yalc/@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcRichText.mjs 1:0-59 2:0-59 26:0-47:2 26:0-47:2 26:0-47:2
 @ ./apps/files/src/reference-files.js 24:0-135 32:0-14 47:0-27 59:13-39

webpack 5.90.3 compiled with 1 error in 22366 ms

Try to clone nextcloud-vue not in the server repository directory (/var/www/html/) but to a separated place, for example, to home ~ directory.

That worked.