
Server has no maintenance window start time configured

d3xt3r01 opened this issue · 7 comments

Default image install yells this:

Can we add it to the default config?

Server has no maintenance window start time configured. This means resource intensive daily background jobs will also be executed during your main usage time. We recommend to set it to a time of low usage, so users are less impacted by the load caused from these heavy tasks. For more details see the documentation ↗.

I had this issue also when setting up the nextcloud:latest (28.0.2), i hacked it away to give it the command in the docker directly. If read the documentation correctly yesterday you must give it a number for the starttime of the maintenance window to start. I can image that this could be a little difficult bc everybody is in different timezones and it was recommended to do this window in the night if i recall correctly (depends also on your size of the instance too). Maybe we could get an Environment Variable to get the maintenance window when we spin up the container? or maybe i read over it, but to my knowledge an maintenance window Environment Variable does not exist atm.

J0WI commented

There is no default set by Nextcloud and therefore no default is set in the image. This is very similar to #1465: you can easily configure a value yourself that fits your needs (e.g. NC_maintenance_window_start: 1).

So we have some NEXTCLOUD_ variables, some NC_ variables and some that don't have anything ( like TRUSTED_PROXIES) ?

Some can be seen in sudo -u www-data php occ config:list (mainly NEXTCLOUD_ and TRUSTED_PROXIES) because they end up in the config file... but not the NC_ ones.

There's also no page in Nextcloud for admins to see the fully loaded/parsed settings or phpinfo() stuff to easily validate all the changes are propagated as they should... but that's another story.

Also, if there isn't a cron daemon running in the container, is there a reason for maintenance_window_start to exist?

J0WI commented

There is no default set by Nextcloud

There is a default and it means disabled:

Defaults to 100 which disables the feature

So we have some NEXTCLOUD_ variables, some NC_ variables and some that don't have anything ( like TRUSTED_PROXIES) ?


Also, if there isn't a cron daemon running in the container, is there a reason for maintenance_window_start to exist?

I don't know. You may ask this on or propose a change on