
decrypt all files script fails without error

Merlinux-source opened this issue · 5 comments

Screenshot from 2024-03-08 13-56-02
when decrypting files using the decrypt all files script, some files fail without any explanation to why.
how do I get more verbose information on what to do, so I can get my files back. I have backups of all keys and file versions, but the files are all encrypted using serverside encryption

@Merlinux-source Has the issue been resolved for you?

@Merlinux-source If there's no further support needed, I'd close this ticket at the end of this week.

I too am having this issue. I'm a noob and have no idea how to fix this issue.

@brandonb1987 @Merlinux-source I now added DEBUG_MODE and DEBUG_MODE_VERBOSE to the documentation.

@brandonb1987 You can either provide the values as environment variables during execution DEBUG_MODE=true DEBUG_MODE_VERBOSE=true ./recover.php [...] or you can scroll down in the corresponding script, uncomment the corresponding config() calls and set the corresponding values to true there:

// config("DEBUG_MODE", false);
// config("DEBUG_MODE_VERBOSE", false);

// config("DEBUG_MODE", false);
// config("DEBUG_MODE_VERBOSE", false);