
Linked spreadsheet: Inconsistent fonts

matthijskooijman opened this issue · 2 comments

I previously posted this as feedback on the PR before it was applied (#1758 (comment)), but since it was out of scope for the initial PR, I'm reposting this here.

Describe the bug
When letting the form plugin write its results to an external spreadsheet automatically (as recently supported with merging #1758), I've noticed that the font used for form data (Calibri) is different from the default font my libreoffice uses when adding data to empty cells (Liberation Sans). I'm not at all sure how this works and if this is a matter of system-dependent defaults or not (I have not tested with collabora, since I do not have it on my test Nextcloud instance), but it is a bit unexpected.

I suspect that the forms plugin might hardcoded the font to use, while there probably is a file-wide default font that it could be using? If so, this would be a bug in the forms plugin (but maybe it's a bug in my expectations or not really a bug - I'm not entirely sure).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set up writing results to an external spreadsheet
  2. Open the spreadsheet in e.g. libreoffice
  3. Add some data to an empty cell
  4. See the font is different from the existing data

Expected behavior
The data added by the forms plugin should use the same font as other data manually added.


Nextcloud (please complete the following information):

  • Nextcloud-Version: 28.0.1
  • Forms-Version: 4.0.0 with PR #1758 applied

Could you retry with forms 4.1?
We do not set any font, meaning the entries forms write are all in the default font (often shown as "Calibri").
If you now insert text with libreoffice it will use the font you set up as default in libre office, but keep the ODS default for the already filled cells.