Private Key missing for user: please try to log-out and log-in again
m1raculix opened this issue · 1 comments
Steps to reproduce
- Add a flow for new pdf files
- upload a new PDF file
- check if OCR was done
Expected behaviour
OCR should be created, the entry in oc_jobs is created.
Actual behaviour
| PrivateKeyMissingException Private Key missing for user: please try to log-out and log-in again.
There are no other errors in the logs, I fixed them all, except this one.
Server configuration
Operating system: Debian 12
Web server: Nginx
Database: MariaDB
PHP version: 8.1
Nextcloud version: (see Nextcloud admin page) 29.0.1
Where did you install Nextcloud from:
List of activated apps:
- activity: 2.21.1
- bruteforcesettings: 2.9.0
- calendar: 4.7.4
- circles: 29.0.0-dev
- cloud_federation_api: 1.12.0
- comments: 1.19.0
- contacts: 6.0.0
- contactsinteraction: 1.10.0
- dashboard: 7.9.0
- dav: 1.30.1
- encryption: 2.17.0
- external: 5.4.0
- federatedfilesharing: 1.19.0
- federation: 1.19.0
- files: 2.1.0
- files_downloadlimit: 2.0.0
- files_external: 1.21.0
- files_pdfviewer: 2.10.0
- files_reminders: 1.2.0
- files_sharing: 1.21.0
- files_trashbin: 1.19.0
- files_versions: 1.22.0
- fileslibreofficeedit: 1.1.0
- firstrunwizard: 2.18.0
- geoblocker: 0.5.14
- logreader: 2.14.0
- lookup_server_connector: 1.17.0
- nextcloud_announcements: 1.18.0
- notes: 4.10.0
- notifications: 2.17.0
- oauth2: 1.17.0
- password_policy: 1.19.0
- photos: 2.5.0
- privacy: 1.13.0
- provisioning_api: 1.19.0
- recommendations: 2.1.0
- related_resources: 1.4.0
- serverinfo: 1.19.0
- settings: 1.12.0
- sharebymail: 1.19.0
- support: 1.12.0
- survey_client: 1.17.0
- systemtags: 1.19.0
- tasks: 0.16.0
- text: 3.10.0
- theming: 2.4.0
- twofactor_backupcodes: 1.18.0
- twofactor_webauthn: 1.4.0
- updatenotification: 1.19.1
- user_status: 1.9.0
- viewer: 2.3.0
- weather_status: 1.9.0
- workflow_ocr: 1.29.0
- workflowengine: 2.11.0
- admin_audit: 1.19.0
- files_rightclick: 0.15.1 (installed 1.6.0)
- suspicious_login: 7.0.0
- twofactor_totp: 11.0.0-dev (installed 6.4.0)
- user_ldap: 1.20.0
Nextcloud configuration:
If you have access to your command line run e.g.:
sudo -u www-data php occ config:list system
from within your Nextcloud installation folder
Insert your config.php content here
Make sure to remove all sensitive content such as passwords. (e.g. database password, passwordsalt, secret, smtp password, …)
Client configuration
Browser: Firefox
Operating system: Win 11
Nextcloud log (data/owncloud.log)
ervice/OcrService.php","line":117,"function":"ocrFile","class":"OCA\\WorkflowOcr\\OcrProcessors\\OcrMyPdfBasedProcessor","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/workflow_ocr/lib/BackgroundJobs/ProcessFileJob.php","line":67,"function":"runOcrProcess","class":"OCA\\WorkflowOcr\\Service\\OcrService","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/Job.php","line":80,"function":"run","class":"OCA\\WorkflowOcr\\BackgroundJobs\\ProcessFileJob","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/QueuedJob.php","line":57,"function":"start","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\Job","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/QueuedJob.php","line":47,"function":"start","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\QueuedJob","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/cron.php","line":176,"function":"execute","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\QueuedJob","type":"->"}],"File":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/encryption/lib/Session.php","Line":90,"Hint":"Private Key missing for user: please try to log-out and log-in again","message":"Private Key missing for user: please try to log-out and log-in again","exception":{},"CustomMessage":"Private Key missing for user: please try to log-out and log-in again"}}
Browser log
Insert your browser log here, this could for example include:
a) The javascript console log
b) The network log
c) ...
I'm not sure what this has to do with the logreader app. It looks like you're using an app called "Workflow OCR". You might try their channels:
It appears you may be using server-side encryption. I don't know offhand whether that's is supported with workflow_ocr. I wouldn't... expect it to be, but I don't use that app so not sure.
You might also query the community help forum: