
New notes no longer use first line as title

homebrandcola opened this issue · 5 comments

Something happened in the upgrade to NextCloud 26 and the interactions with the iOS NextCloud Notes app.

It is using a webview in the app to edit new notes, which is causing issues.

Big one for me is it no longer uses the first line of a new note as the title for the note, resulting in many 'New note (i)' notes, where i is incremented.

It is possible to change the title of the note after editing, but this was not the default behaviour before the update to NextCloud 26.

As anyone else seen this?

Experiencing this issue with Nextcloud Notes for iOS version v 4.1.7. The Nextcloud server is version 25.0.3

Any new note I make has the title “New Note”, “New Note (2)”, “New Note (3)” etc, where the last number increments with every new note.

I can’t see any way to change the title of a note. Editing the first line of the note has no effect.

Here is a screenshot showing the issue. Note how all my notes after 6th June have this issue:


Same behavior. I thought I was going crazy and my memory was warped until coming here. I’m currently running Nextcloud 26.0.3 and Nextcloud Notes 4.1.7 though I’ve been experiencing the behavior for months.

@azuredusk10 if you long press on the note title in the list view you’ll get options, one of which is to rename it. Just as an fyi based on your earlier post. Hopefully the first line becoming the title comes back soon.

Recent July 22, 2023 change (version 4.1.8) added ability to use “Internal Editor” (option found at bottom of settings). Turning this on brings back the note title defaulting to the first line of the note on new notes made. Thank you!

I also cannot find a way to avoid the "New Note" name/title after creating a new note. Cannot change it from within the app.
Yes, using "Internal Editor" option works (thanks for the tip), but I'd still prefer the default editor.

if you long press on the note title in the list view you’ll get options, one of which is to rename it.

Can anybody confirm that above still works for getting a rename option?
Using the latest app version 4.2.0 (Changelog: - Fix editor for iOS 17).
I cannot get the app to show the rename option. I get these options, if I long press:

@ekkirsnarf I can confirm that this is working for me in version 4.2.0:


Also, when I create a new note, after entering the note contents and pressing done, the title of the note automatically changes to the first line of the note contents.

I'm not sure why you're not seeing the same behaviour. Perhaps someone with some knowledge of the code or Nextcloud can chime in

@ekkirsnarf I can confirm that this is working for me in version 4.2.0:

@azuredusk10: Thanks.

I'm confused as to why the 'Rename...' and 'Category...' don't show for me. It is almost as if it's different Notes apps.
I got the app like this. From the iPhone's App Store, I downloaded the standalone 'Nextcloud Notes' 4.2.0 app. In settings it reports "Using Notes 4.9.1 on Nextcloud 26.0.10 Enterprise". I'm logged on to my free account (provider).