
Add web clipper just like onenote or Evernote?

Opened this issue · 13 comments

I want to clip full web page not url or txt
When I want to clip a web page, I click on "share" button and note will clip the full page for me. When I open it next, it's like it saw.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Evernote Clipper
Onenote Web Clipper
WizNote Clipper

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This could be a nice feature, but currently, it is out of scope for this app.

I think a better option might be adding wallabag / archival support to the bookmarks app. This will take care of web-clipping AND link rot.

I think notes will improve after time and gain a higher adoption rate, especially with the new text editor (i'm hoping for image support). Therefore it would make sense to think about a nextcloud-wide webclipper that would either save to bookmarks or notes.

This would be great.

@GambaJo no offense, honestly 🙂

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I see a path to integrate this functionality cleanly with Notes and Nextcloud: SingleFile is on Github and OSS, does a much better job of capture than Wallabag, and stores the entirety of a page in one HTML file. Those captured pages could be stored in a Notes subdirectory with a relative link placed in the Note, for minimum overhead/refactoring. Best of both worlds?

FYI there is also a "web clipper" for Google Drive. It's not as usefull as e.g. Evernote, but still, can inspire some UX/features ideas..

+1 for a web clipper. I haven't used Nextcloud Bookmarks, but it seems it can save full pages. This could be another potential integration.

Maybe @marcelklehr of Nextcloud Bookmarks could contribute to the discussion with some useful feedback...

I haven't used Nextcloud Bookmarks, but it seems it can save full pages.

Yep, Nextcloud Bookmarks archives bookmarked pages in full-text, allowing search and clutter-free read-it-later. I'm not sure how this could be integrated into the Notes app, though.

a web clipper is really needed

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We could actually use link preview widgets for this. Now we don't want all links to be rendered as a embed but I could imagine making use of the bookmarks app parts then and have a link preview for bookmarks app internal links that inlines the bookmarked page somehow