
🍱 Interactive widgets

juliushaertl opened this issue · 4 comments

  • Deeper embedding of resources
  • Add embedding (smart picker like) but not as link preview but real interactive widget
  • Should be based on the existing smart picker concept of inserting links
  • Should work across apps
    • For link preview providers (define what apps should implement this)
    • For displaying (e.g. talk or where else the link preview is used)
  • To clarify
    • How does the user or app decide if a simple or interactive preview is shown
    • How to handle this on mobile
    • Text/Collectives/Notes
      • Should this be different markdown syntax so users can decide based on the document usage what to display?
      • We got feedback that the link preview is sometimes not useful in its current approach of always rendering it if it is the only content of a paragraph
  • Reference: Tables already has an option like that to select the mode, but we should probably have a generic approach

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