
Call notification not working

TheSenPie opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. in a private chat a user starts a call with you
  2. no call sound, not even notification that someone is calling you
  3. open a chat, you see user started a call with you a couple of seconds ago

NOTE: iOS client receives notifications normally. if you call from android client to iOS client, the iOS client will receive call notifcation
Android -> iOS ( works )
Android -> Android (doesn't work)
iOS -> Android ( doesn't work )

Expected behaviour

  1. should receive a call sound, the ringtone should play
  2. should receive a pop-up notification, that someone is calling

NOTE: iOS client receives notifications normally. if you call from android client to iOS client, the iOS client will receive call notifcation
Android -> iOS ( works )
Android -> Android (doesn't work)
iOS -> Android ( doesn't work )

Actual behaviour

  1. in a private chat a user starts a call with you
  2. no call sound, not even notification that someone is calling you
  3. open a chat, you see user started a call with you a couple of seconds ago

NOTE: iOS client receives notifications normally. if you call from android client to iOS client, the iOS client will receive call notifcation
Android -> iOS ( works )
Android -> Android (doesn't work)
iOS -> Android ( doesn't work )

Device brand and model

Samsung Galaxy S21, Samsun Galaxy A8

Android version

13, 9

Nextcloud Talk app version


Nextcloud server version


Talk version


Custom Signaling server configured


Custom TURN server configured


Custom STUN server configured


Android logs

No response

Server log

No response

Additional information

No response

Hi @TheSenPie
please check all steps from
Is the app installed via gplay?
If the notifications still don't work, it would be great if you could try out the release candidate v18.0.0 RC2. If you would like to test it, see how to join.