
remove flickering background on top app bar of conversations list.

sowjanyakch opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open conversations screen.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the conversations.

Expected behaviour

No flickering background should appear on the top app bar.

Actual behaviour

The flickering background appears on the top app bar.

Device brand and model

Samsung Galaxy A52

Android version


Nextcloud Talk app version


Nextcloud server version

No response

Talk version

No response

Custom Signaling server configured


Custom TURN server configured


Custom STUN server configured


Android logs

No response

Server log

No response

Additional information

No response

This is about the flickering background of the top bar when scrolling.

If it turns out to be difficult to find the cause, it could makes sense to use git bisect to find out when this bug occured.

in case it helps:
it only flickers when "flipping" the list.
it won't appear when scrolling while holding finger onto the screen...