
Microphone emit no sound to the others

HuguesDug opened this issue · 10 comments

Steps to reproduce

Receive a talk call
Answer the call, voice only
You hear the other participant, but it does not hear you
Toggling microphone mute/unmute does not change the problem

Expected behaviour

Both sides should hear each other

Actual behaviour

I was hearing perfectly the other, he was not.

On my side, an android phone, on the other side a iphone.
Having a call with the same participant on his phone, using the web version of talk, it works perfectly.
So, problem is from the android phone.

Authorizations have been checked, use of microphone is OK.

No error message.

Device brand and model


Android version


Nextcloud Talk app version


Nextcloud server version


Talk version


Custom Signaling server configured

Yes (specify version in Additional Information)

Custom TURN server configured


Custom STUN server configured


Android logs

No response

Server log

Nothing on the server log that day

Additional information

No response

Thanks for reporting @HuguesDug
Is there any chance you can try out the same setup but with an other smartphone? Just to try out it's related to the device...

I will see what I can do to test with another phone. But not easy to setup.

I was now able to reproduce this with a Redmi Note 7.

NC talk android app version: 18.0.0 & 19.0.0RC4
Nextcloud server version: 29.0.0 RC5 & 30.0.0 dev

So it's something related to devices. So far no idea, i will investigate further..

Super ! (as you are able to reproduce, you will have a chance to fix).

Good luck. Looking forward the Bug Fix

I have the exact same issue. Mic not working on my Nokia 7.2. When using my tablet (Nokia T20) the mic is working.

Same thing on Nokia 6.2.
As a workaround I installed Talk 17.0.2 from GitHub releases.

@Selaron Did you downgrade?

Yes I downgrade from 18 to 17, but I don't know the exact point release that made microphone stop working.

Downgrade step by step to version 15.1.x with no success. I guess it's messages only until I get a new phone.
When reinstalling 19.0.0 I got a hint from the phone that I can use ptt in the call. Sadly, there is no icon for that.