
Messages get lost between client and server once sent. No error shown.

migulen opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Talk
  2. Open conversation
  3. Send an message
  4. Wait for the message to appear on the conversation

Expected behaviour

The message must arrive to the server, and get replicated/showed to clients conversation window (sender included).

Actual behaviour

The message don't arrive/get saved on the server and it doesn't show any message like "this message can't be sent".

Furthermore, the message "disappear" from the sender "text window" on conversation, so it gets totally lost (for the sender too).

I think there is some check that inform incorrectly to "android Talk" that a message has arrived to the server, when it isn't true.

Like it's usual, it seems to be related to mobile connection coverage.

Device brand and model

Xiaomi mi 14 and Samsung a52s 5g, and other

Android version


Nextcloud Talk app version


Nextcloud server version


Talk version


Custom Signaling server configured


Custom TURN server configured


Custom STUN server configured


Android logs

No response

Server log

No response

Additional information

**** I hope this will be resolved (or improved) with the offline mode ****