
HaGeZi's Threat Intelligence Feeds DNS Blocklist

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Please add HaGeZi's Threat Intelligence Feeds DNS Blocklist
A blocklist for blocking malware, cryptojacking, scam, spam and phishing. Blocks domains known to spread malware, launch phishing attacks and host command-and-control servers
A medium version of the Threat Intelligence Feeds list. Designed for Adblockers that have problems with the size of the full TIF list. Contains only important feeds.

Good luck #119

It is infuriating that HaGeZi's Threat Intelligence Feeds (TIFs) are not available. NextDNS's decision to make their TIFs private is shady, and they have ignored our requests for a public and open-source TIF that everyone can contribute to.

Their excuse is that: the HaGezi TIF is not a single feed but a list of feeds, many of which overlap with the NextDNS TI feed. But how can we verify this, now that they have made everything private?

Another excuse: Adding new features always comes at a cost, including maintenance expenses and increased product complexity. Allowing users to select third-party blocklists in the security tab would increase its complexity, simply to provide a feed that is redundant with what is already available, as it contains similar sources.

This excuse makes no sense, especially when NextDNS has dozens of abandoned filter lists that haven't been updated for years. If maintenance costs and product complexity are concerns, why not remove these outdated lists? Alternatively, they could replace them with updated filter lists from other sources and/or add HaGezi's Threat Intelligence Feeds.