
Option to treat timeouts as non-failure

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I am currently using nextest via miri in Wasmi to run the entire Wasm spec testsuite (which is huge) nightly. Since miri execution with all of its checks is rather slow and since we use default GitHub action runners most tests timeout. Locally I ran the entire testsuite via miri with a timeout of 4h per test case and even then I had some timeouts, so that's how bad it really is. However, this is not as bad as it sounds since even timed out tests produced a ton of checks and validated their input until their timeout.

So what would be nice is to make it possible via config to treat timed out tests as non-failures since I only really want to be notified by this CRON miri run if it actually found an actual bug.

Is this maybe even already possible? In case you do not want to implement this feature what would be the best way to handling this on my side?

Link to the cron job if that is of interest:


Hi, and thanks for the feature request!

This isn't something that's supported at the moment -- timeouts with nextest are meant to be for unexpected issues.

Would you be able to add a timeout within your test logic instead? If it's useful, I'm open to adding a NEXTEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS environment variable so you can (e.g.) multiply that by 90% to figure out when to cancel tests.

Hmm, I see, you're actually using miri.

I guess we can add an on-timeout = "success"/"failure" config, and then you can set that in the Miri-specific config. I guess it'll also be useful for tests that are meant to be run for a while and then cancelled (I've come across a few such tests over the years)

tldr; An on-timeout = "success"|"failure" option is exactly what I need here. :) Though it would be nice to know which test had a timeout still in the final summary table.

Yes, I am using nextest via miri. And yes, even running into timeouts for these kinds of tests is already extremely valuable since the tests have checked various safety properties of the program along the way and as long as they haven't found issues before running out of time, I am happy.
Obviously it would be preferred if no test has a time out, but that is simply infeasible with the current hardware and in particular the current performance of miri with all of its checks.

I ran those miri tests locally on 12 cores via nextest and a timeout of 4 hours per test case and still some test cases ran out of time.

Yeah, makes sense!