
`cargo nextest archive` ignores `--frozen`, `--locked`, and `--offline`

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Running cargo nextest archive --help shows these options among the others:

Manifest options:
      --manifest-path <PATH>
          Path to Cargo.toml

          Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date

          Require Cargo.lock is up to date

          Run without accessing the network

But --frozen, --locked, and --offline are not working (I haven't tested --manifest-path).

It can be easily reproduced by removing Cargo.lock and running cargo nextest archive --frozen ... inside a crate.

Strange! Definitely a bug. Will investigate soon.

Found the issue: de0d942

The fix will be released as part of cargo-nextest 0.9.69, hopefully in a couple of days. Thanks!