
Add a "testimonials" page (please comment here!)

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Lots of people like, even love nextest. It's saved many projects and organizations a lot of developer and compute time. We should get a testimonials page going!

If you have a testimonial and are okay with it being published on the nextest site, please add it as a comment to this issue, along with how you'd like to be credited for it. Thank you!

The first thing I do with any project is set up my CI with Nextest. Nextest has the compact, informative display of test cases I want from my testrunners. The performance improvements are a bonus!

Thank you so much @ceejbot! How would you like to be credited?

I've practically never used the default test runner since I found nextest. Nextest is better in every way, as far as I can tell.